Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Final Coutdown Stretch..2 more days!

Well it's two days before my plane takes off. I am super nervous and excited all that the same time. I finally got my passport back from the Consulate, but still waiting on my visa to get approved though...GRRR so frustrating. Is it bad that the person from the Consulate knows me on a first name basis? I am slowly saying my good-bye's to family and friends which is bittersweet.

Also, today my grandma passed away in her sleep. She was a fantastic, loving, inspirational women who I truly admired and looked up to. I will miss her dearly. On a positive note, we have a new addition to my family, my cousin's wife just gave birth to little girl!

I also bought the outlet adapter I need so I can use my computer charger and whatever else I need plugged in while I am in Prague/Europe. It looks pretty funny, let's hope it works and I don't end up frying and killing whatever I end up plugging into it.

That is it for now, Less than 48 hours till I leave!!!!!!

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