Friday, January 28, 2011

Week 1 Update

This is again a longer post, but far less wordy. I would have posted two blogs, but my internet stopped working Tuesday/Wednesday. 

So I will begin with random facts. So I found out that I am living on the smallest street in Prague. My roommate Kelsey is also Jewish! We are planning a Passover Sedar lol. The weather has been VERY COLD and crazy here. It was nice and dry when I arrived on Saturday. It snowed on Sunday and Monday, Tuesday it was windy and rainy, snowed again on Wednesday, Thursday was what I am calling 'snow flakes', we tried to take a photo, but it didn't show up but this snow was really light and every time it landed on my hat, jacket etc it would leave kind of like a snowflake flake-like impression -->* Friday was the first day it was actually nice and I saw the sun! (still cold tho <30 degrees Fahrenheit). As for food we went to the grocery got some food, but cooking with out an oven or a stove and only one hot plate you have to share with 4 people is always difficult around dinner time. Finding things you need like brown sugar is always an adventure. I also don't think fat free milk exists :'( I have been trying various place around campus for lunch. There is a shop near the school and the owner is American, so he speaks English! Which is awesome and he's super nice. I also discovered on Thursday there is a cafeteria-go figure! The food is surprisingly cheap and good! I got potatoes and fried chicken not like KFC style you are think. Food here in Prague is so much cheaper than in California. You can buy a medium cheese pizza for like $5. The Czech Republic is a very coin based country and the coins are a lot heavier that in the US too.

Czech Currency
Cafeteria Lunch
So begins the Czech Extensive Course and by extensive they mean extensive. So think back to Spanish 1 or French 1 or whatever language you took and all that you learned. Well we are learning all that in 2 weeks. So yeah it’s kinda overkill. So far we have learned simple phrases/conversations like how are you, what’s your name, where are you from etc. We also learned numbers, colors, food, verb tenses and much more. We had a quiz on Wednesday and I have another one on Monday. Next week is our final week of class for the Czech Extensive Course and then we’re done with that class and then being our real classes.
First Day of School Pics:

So my schedule looks like this:
12:10-1:30 Politics
9-11:55 Art and Architecture
12:10-3:05 Gender studies
9-10:20 Politics
3:20-5:15 Alternative Culture

Fridays are reserved for field trips. I might drop the Alternative culture class and take something else since I am not too fond of the 5 hour gap of time. I wish I was as lucky as some people they only have class 2 days a week. I would love that since I would be able to travel place since I have a 5 day weekend every weekend. It just sucks that my politics class had to be Monday and Thursday and that is the only class I have to take, oh well.

I also got a phone doesn’t have any cool features it doesn’t even have a camera, but it took like 25 min to change it from Czech to English with the help of Google translate lol. On Monday I finally get the SIM chip so I can make calls.

We had orientation all week long. By far the longest orientation I have ever had; I thought it would never end. On Tuesday, we went on a tour of New town by the school. It was pretty cool it would have been better and far more enjoyable if it was freezing cold and rainy. Here are some photos:

On Wednesday we had a quiz which I got a B on. On my way to school when I was taking the tram I saw this cool building, which I know nothing about so don't ask me all I know is it looks cool. Hopefully I will find out in my art and architecture class!

On Thursday after class, we took a tour of Old Town, the part of Prague where I am living. Here are some more photos:

Charles Bridge

Town Hall
So it’s Friday at last! Our teacher decided that we are going to spend half the class on Monday at a cafĂ© so we can practice our Czech skills, which is awesome. Also Monday is my birthday, it is also another girl in my class’s birthday as well, so it will be fun. As for this weekend, I think we are going to the 5 story club more to be posted about my weekend when it happens! I also think I might be getting sick :( More Later!

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