Sunday, January 16, 2011

A Week Till Prague!!

So, I decided to start a blog. I will try to update it as much a possible, but we'll see how well that goes. So it's Sunday night a week before I will be in Prague. I am going to go get sushi with my family as an early birthday celebration dinner. I am pretty much all packed and still have extra room for all the stuff I end up buying in Prague :] I am pretty impressed I was able to downsize all this from my apartment in Chico:

into just two suitcases:

I am also patiently waiting (ok more like frantically waiting) for my passport to come back from the Consulate. Man was that the Visa process a pain, but I will just be happy when it is all over with! Well more to be posted in the days to come.


  1. haha, great before and after. Have a good flight!

  2. Thanks! I hope so to. I'll post about the flight in 4 days!
