Saturday, January 22, 2011

Here at last!!

So I am going to recap the last 24+ hours or so in this blog it's going to be a longer one fyi.

So it's finally the day I leave for Prague. So my mom and I leave for the airport and get some Chipotle for lunch before my flight. I had an amazing chicken burrito. As my mom pulls up to drop me off I see another girl who looks familiar unloading in the car in front of us. Sure enough it's a girl from Chico going on the USAC trip. I say my good byes to my mom and head in. I catch up to the girl as we are dropping of our luggage I reintroduce my myself and she said her name was Jenna. I go to weigh my luggage and it's 23kg which is about 50 pounds which is the max I can carry on, I was so excited that I didn't go over i was worried! So Jenna and I walk together through security and it goes smoothly. Then we head to waiting area and we run into others that are on the USAC trip and we sit together and chat. It was SOOO hot in the airport I was like sweating bullets. and of course I am carrying a sweatshirt and jacket with me and wearing a long leave shirt. So we have to wait around for hours till we can finally board the plane. Finally we get to board the plane is huge there was 10 to a row (3, 4, 3). I got a window seat which I was happy about. So we finally take off and it's like 4:30pm it take them like 2-2.5 hours to finally serve dinner.  We had a the choice of pasta or beef. I went with the pasta dish which consisted of pasta with cheese and mushrooms, it was ok but it was really salty though. It also came with a roll that had a sand dollar like impression on the top it was ok as well. There was also a pathetic salad that only had a bed of lettuce, one tomato and two dollops of unidentifiable gross white cheese. Then for dessert there was a nasty gross cheese cake; I usually like cheesecake but this was gross. The flight attendant offered me some wine, I thought about accepting it, but I thought it might be a trap and she would be like "Can I see your ID miss" and be like crap I am not old enough so I didn't, but I found out later that I could have with out any issues. I took some sleeping pills and tried to go to sleep, but I could not. I got some but not very much and every time I went to look at the clock and I though it had surely been an hour it had only been like maybe 20 min. So it was a very long 10+ hour flight. We finally landed in London it was like 10:30am there time. So we have to go through security again. So everything is going fine then one of the people that works there was like, "is this your bag" and I was like yes it is. He said, "there is bottle of liquid in there that is more than 3 ounces." I was like what, then I realize that I had filled up my water bottle at the airport and didn't empty it out before going through security again like an idiot and I was like oh just dump it's only water. Well I guess if they find something it's required that they search the entire bag. So he sat there and unloaded EVERYTHING in the bag that was so neatly packed which took like 20 minutes. Another girl, Michelle, was nice enough to wait behind with me while my bag got searched. Apparently she had a tide-to-go and they didn't know what that was lol. So of course I feel bad about having her wait so I just shoved everything in the bag..sigh so much for organization. We had a 4 hour lay over so some girls were hungry so went to the restaurant called Giraffe. I didn't eat anything since I wasn't hungry, they had giraffe plastic stir sticks so we all took one I'll post a picture later! So then we go to look for where we are suppose to wait and it's too early of course so nothing is posted so we just find a random spot to sit. I felt gross so me and this girl Bridgette, who is one of my roommates, went to the bathroom to brush our teeth and try to feel cleaner. They finally posted where to go so we went there and met up with the other group flight out of Chicago.  We boarded the plane for a 2 hour plane ride to Prague. I sat next to this girl named Valerie that is also one of my roommates. We chatted it up, the plane to Prague was much smaller and pretty empty. We finally get into Prague and we go through customs and then to baggage claim. Right as I walk to the place they unload the luggage mine passes right by me. What a sigh of relief that it arrived; I feared it not making it. Richard, the assistant Residential Director, was there waiting to take us to our housing. First stop was to my apartment, Anezska 3. So we get to the apartment place and he tells us who is rooming where and hands us our keys, yes that's right keys. There are 4 keys to get into our apartment how is that for secure! Key number one unlocks the little red door next to the landlords wine bar. Our landlord's name is Karel nice guy kinda looks like Santa Clause just no beard, but he speaks no English only German. Once we enter the red door we have to lock it from the inside. Then cross the dark hallway stacked with crates of empty vine bottles to a gate where you use key number two which opens the steel gate that leads from the courtyard to the stairwell. The rusty old gate takes a few minutes and some toying with to get it to work or I am just challenged with keys probably that one. Once you unlock it you enter then relock from inside then ascend the chipped and crumbling spiral staircase which I swear I am going to kill myself on one day till we reach apartment door which is conveniently located on the 3rd floor. Key number three unlocks the top deadbolt to the door to the apartment and then key number four unlocks the bottom deadbolt. Once you enter you relock the doors from the inside. Not the easiest procedure to get in especially if you have to pee really bad. So we get into the apartment there are two rooms with two people living in each room. I am rooming with Kelsey and in the other room is Valerie and Bridgette. The rooms are decent size. We share a four drawer dresser and an closet. The kitchen is super small there is only a hot plate, a mini fridge, a sink and microwave. No oven or stove, so this should be interesting. The bathroom is divided into two rooms shower area and storage and sink and toilet in the other. We have a small living room/seating area and that is about it. I will post pictures later! We had a little time to unpack and get ready, then were off to dinner. We went to this cafe/bar hang out place and had breaded fried meat(chicken? not really sure), potato salad, bread, fried cauliflower, and any drink of your choice. I decided to try a glass of wine cuz I can so I picked a red one since it's usually sweeter than white, but it was really bitter I couldn't drink it. Then we had dessert. We had honey cake which is a traditional dish, it was very yummy and coffee for dessert. Then we walked around old town which is so pretty. I am taking tons of photos tomorrow and will post them. A number of people from the group decided to go out to the bar/club, but the girls from Anezska decided to go to bed early since we were all tired and a little jet-lagged and we have orientation the next morning. We that is it for now. More later!

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