Tuesday, February 1, 2011

First weekend/birthday

So Friday night I went to the 5 story club with the majority of the people in the program; it was a lot of fun. The club is definitely geared toward tourists. You are able to smoke in the club which I was not a fan of and my clothes smelled of smoke the next day-GROSS. I also got to see the other housing complex. It is so much bigger than ours.

5 story club
Outside the Club (Taken the next day)
Also some observations of people in Prague, they are very trusting; they go by the honor system that you will buy a ticket so you don't have to scan or show your ticket/pass to ride the metro and tram which is awesome but different. Also, there is a lot of PDA here like people making out on the street which is strange to me since people don't do that in public in America. If you do that you'll get some dirty looks and possible "get a room" comments. Anyway continuing on with my weekend:

On Saturday, I went walking around old town, the Jewish quarters and all the touristy areas with my roommate Valerie. Saturday night we found out that if we turn on the washer, hot plate and the thing that heats up water at the same time we blow the fuse and lose power. So that was an adventure since we lost power and we didn't have internet and also we still didn't have working cell phones and our landlord was no to be found. Trying to get power back was a fun adventure. We decided we were going to try to go to the internet cafe near by and send our resident director an email, but luckily on our way we ran into some who knew our landlord. She didn't know any English, so we had her call our assistant resident director and have him translate back and forth between us so he could explain to her the issue. Thankfully, she was able to help us get our power back.

Jewish Quarters

Charles Bridge

"The Walk of Shame" as the local call it (aka the walk way where all the touristy stuff is sold)

Astronomical Clock
On Sunday, my roommates and I went wandering around downtown exploring, we walked across the Charles bridge. We stopped and had a late lunch at a local restaurant which consisted of 'soup' which was seriously broth with a few measly veggies in it (aka not a soup if you ask me), fried chicken with a weird salad and really good potatoes wedges and for dessert we had apple strudel which was super yummy!


there was a line and everyone was touching it, hopefully it's good luck!

dessert at restaurant
On Monday I turned 20, no longer a teenager. I went to class, another girl in my class (which only has 12 students in it btw) had her birthday on the 31st as well! So we took the quiz, which from the looks on my teachers face we all didn't do to hot. Then we learned a little more Czech, and then went to a restaurant for lunch to practice our Czech skills. I had pasta with zucchini, mushrooms and parmesan cheese in a red sauce. Then for dessert we got apple strudel with ice cream and mine had a candle in it. Everyone in the class sang happy birthday. Later that evening my roommates surprised me and made me dinner which was delicious. And had this ice cream thingy for dessert which was really good!

Dessert with a candle in it at the restaurant we went to for lunch

Surprise Dinner:

I also found out what was in the mystery locked cabinets in the kitchen: they hold clean towels for us! That is all for now. Later!

1 comment:

  1. I'm so glad that you're getting out and having adventures/experiences; that's what you're there for! Also, happy birthday a bit late!!!
