Thursday, February 10, 2011

First Week of Real Classes

So I rearranged my schedule and if all goes according to plan this is what it should look like:

12:10-1:30 Politics
9-11:55 Art and Architecture
12:10-3:05 Modern History [still on the wait list for]
(5pm Politics) 
12:10-3:05 Gender studies
(9-10:20 Politics)

So I went to class on Monday. My politics class sometimes won't meet on Thursday some weeks and we'll meet on Tuesday instead (like this week) which means I'll have a 4 day weekend! My politics teacher is pretty cool guy. I think I am going to really like that class. After the class was over I was talking to some of the people in my class. One of them had been there last semester she also goes to Chico. We went to get some lunch with two others. I got this really good chicken stuffed with tomatoes and cheese with a side of some potatoes that were ok.

On Tuesday I had my Art and Architecture Class. The teacher seems nice. We spend half the class on lecture material then half the class on a field trip. The introduction video we watched was really boring and it repeated itself. We went to the library and saw an art sculpture made out of books! When you look inside it looks like it never ends, then I found out there was a mirror giving that illusion--not as exciting. Then we went to Old Town Square and looked around. She pointed out specific buildings. She talked about the era of the building (Romanesque, Gothic, Renaissance, and Baroque) and characteristics of each of the different types. We went into the Church of Mary which was really cool we weren't allowed to take pictures but it was really cool.

Art made with books in the library
Looking inside the pile of books.
Then I went to the Modern History Class. Which I am still on the wait list for but I am pretty sure I'll get in. We talked for a bit about the class then we went on a little field trip. We went to this tunnel where the French use to hold troops it was really dark and built underground with no windows so no one could see them. They had white circles painted on the ground to help navigate through the tunnel. The tunnel could supposedly hold thousands of soldiers. I also found out the that statues on the Charles Bridge was replicas and in the tunnel holds the originals. Then went to the location of where the Vyšehrad, a castle that was destroyed was located. We hiked up the hiWe also went to the grave site of where a lot of famous Czech people were buried.


room holding the statues from the Charles Bridge
one of the original statues

Remains of the Vyšehrad
view from the hill

Later that day I went to the National Library with my politics class. We were suppose to get library cards but I didn't know we need the actually ID ie a copy of my passport doesn't work. So I'll have to go back.

On Wednesday I had my gender studies class. Which is really interesting I think I am really going to like it. Our teacher is actually British. We then watched a film documentary called The Dark Side of Chocolate. Which talks about child trafficking in Africa which is illegal and the chocolate corporations claim that it doesn't exist. It was really sad it made me not want to eat chocolate anymore and I love chocolate btw. On my way walking home I saw a cat!! They do exist here! I tried to run after it, so I could pet it but s/he crawled under a fence :(

I don't have class on Thursday so I am not sure what I am going to do. On Friday we are going to Terezín and Litomerice. On Saturday, I might try to go to the Prague Zoo. More later!

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