Monday, February 7, 2011

Mini EiffelTower

So my Czech Extensive Class is over!!! This week is the start of my real classes. Nothing really exciting happened during the week highlights: went to class, took the final, paid rent that was a about it.

Also Prague inside scoop 1: The dogs here don't have leashes. Which is fine since they are some of the best behaved dogs I've ever seen. Why are American dogs so ill behaved?? Also no one picks up after dog poo which is gross. I guess if there is no consequence for is (ie a fine) people don't feel the need to do it. They even supply bags to pick the poo up with. Also on topic with pets I have not seen one cat I am afraid to ask if they have cats 1) in fear of looking stupid 2) them looking at me and saying, "What's a cat?"

Prague inside scoop 2: There are not many children here in Prague. So I took the liberty of asking my teacher about it. Apparently the Czech Republic is having a declining population. It's not very common to have children and if they do they only have one maybe two, anything more then two is considered a lot of children.

So my roommate Kelsey left for the weekend to Madrid to visit her friend. So I went to Petrin Hill with my my other roommate Valerie. So I took the liberty of finding directions to the place which we all know that you shouldn't leave the directionally challenged in charge of that. So the directions I found were correct we just failed at following them. So we got on the right tram and I was waiting for this one stop and I was like we have been on here way to long I think we missed so I go to look at the map. Then this nice family with three children who speaks perfect English asks, "Do you need help?" I was like "I am looking for this stop (points to name on paper since I can't pronounce it)." She was like,  "You passed it. It's two stops back." I was like, "Ok thanks, that's what I thought." So we start talking we find out they moved from the US to Prague and have been there for 4 months! So we say thank you and get on the same tram going back the way we came.

We finally make it to Petrin Hill, the place where the Funicular Railway is to the top where the mini Eiffel Tower is. The mini Eiffel Tower is how it sounds it's a replica of the one in Paris but a fifth of the size. So we took the Funicular Railway to the Mini Eiffel Tower. I read somewhere it was free to ride the Funicular Railway we get there of course there is a line out the door. So we wait in the line. It was a beautiful day btw it was almost 50F by far the warmest it had been since I have been here. So we make it inside and everyone is going to buy tickets so Valerie goes to check it out and I do as I always do and just ask if our transportation pass works and sure enough it does! I love the transportation pass by far worth the 750 crowns (~ $40 for 3 months which is a great buy) It works not only the tram but the metro, the riverboats pretty much all forms of major public transportation expect airplanes and trains of course.

So we make it to the top we also realize in the transportation pass holder not only the pass but also includes our school ID card which is awesome. We get to the lovely rose garden *cough cough* it was all dead bushes which was disappointing. So we head for the Mini Eiffel Tower. It cost like $2.50 for the student price which is super cheap. So we climbed the 299 stairs to the top. I would really recommend if you are going to Prague to go to the Mini Eiffel Tower the views from up there were phenomenal. You had a great view of Prague Castle (which I still haven't been too :( I am pretty sure my program pays for us to get to go though!) I also realize that I left my memory card for my camera at home so I was only able to take 9 pictures which are now stuck on my camera since I left my cord at home :( so I will post pictures I promise or I may just steal them from Valerie.

On out way back down we see this other building known as the House of Mirrors. So we paid to go in there was the mirrors that made you look funny and then the hall of never ending mirrors, but I don't think it was worth paying to go in, so I would not recommend paying to go there. Valerie and I had to pee really bad and they charged you to use the bathroom?!?! Which seemed crazy to me then I realized that if charged for public bathrooms in the US maybe they wouldn't be trashed. Then we headed for home. More later!

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