Thursday, April 14, 2011

Athens, Greece Part 5

So Cara and I went to the credit union where her parents wired her money. Since the guy that robbed her also took her student ID we were trying to get into places and not have to pay. We were successfully able to for all but one. We went to the Library of Hadrian, the Ancient Agora. Here are some photos:

Then Cara and I went to get some baklava. Cara and I chilled in the kitchen while I was waiting to meet Jenny so we could go to travel agents to book our 3 island cruise.

So Jenny finally arrives and Cara goes home. Jenny said she had met some awesome people from her tour group and they were meeting later and going to hang. So Jenny and I traveled from travel agent to travel agent to find the best deal some tried to rip you off. But we found the cheapest one 79 Euro. So we booked it. We got back to the hostel. People were hanging around from her tour group they talked about going to get dinner so I tagged along. They were all very nice. We went to this Chinese food place it was yummy!

Then we all went back to the hostel and hung out and met up with more people on the tour group that Jenny was on they were all very nice.

So I had only booked the hostel for 6 night then I decided to extend so I had to check out of my room since the room I was in was booked. I went to pack my bags then and in doing so I nicked my finger on my brand new four blade razor that's protective cover had fallen off. So it didn't hurt but it was bleeding all over the place. So I go and get a paper towel to apply pressure and I kept applying pressure but it just wouldn't stop bleeding. It was really late and I just wanted to go to bed so I put 5-6 band-aides on it and went to bed.

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