Thursday, April 21, 2011

Flight back to Prague, detour to Zurich, Switzerland

So my flight left at 6 in the morning. I get off the plane it's like 8am now. I go up the desk window and ask the lady if there is any earlier flights to Prague and she said no that the 12:30 one I was on is the earliest. I was like bummer what to do for 4 hours. She was like go around Zurich. I was like that sounds awesome. She gave me a map and how to purchase a train ticket. It was Sunday so it was pretty dead but it was nice to walk around here are some photos. I was worried since my phone had died and I didn't have a clock that I might miss my plane. Boy was I wrong there were sooooo many clock towers and buildings with clocks every where there would be no reason to not know what time it was in Zurich.

Then I head back to the airport. Got a little lost but that was ok I still had enough time. I bought some Swiss chocolate-SO GOOD. I wish I bought more! Then on the bus back to Prague I got a cheese sandwich and a glass of wine and they give free chocolate! I felt so classy!! Then I finally got into Prague I was so happy to be back!

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