Thursday, April 14, 2011

Temple of Poseidon (Sounion)..pit stop to the hostipal

I woke up the next morning and I look at my finger; it had bleed through all the band-aides. I was suppose to meet up with my family again and we were going to the Temple of Poseidon. So i start to peel away all the band-aides and I realize it's making it worse and bleed more. So I go to the front desk and ask them what to do they said there was a pharmacy around the corner. Pharmacies in Europe are very different than in the US we think CVS more of a drug store where as pharmacies in Europe are like drug stories but also mini hospitals so I go in. They are very nice and take me to the back room. They remove the band-aide it kinda hurt. They run it run water which also hurt. She was trying to see how deep I cut it. She then poured alcohol on it and that BURNED SOOOOOOOOOOOO BAD I cried. She was like this really deep you need to go to the hospital and get stitches. I was like for real?!? So she puts this cotton ball with medicine on it to help it stop bleeding and gauze on it. I go to stand in line in line to see how much I have to pay for this little visit. I start to feel lightheaded and I feel like I am going to pass out. I flag down the person and ask for some water I sit down and drink the water. I felt better they were like you need to get a taxi here is the nearest hospital and I left I guess it was free of charge?! So I walk back to my hostel and ask the front desk to borrow their phone so I can call my Resident Director back in Prague to see how the whole insurance thing works. He gives me all the necessary information. I decide to wait till my family arrives and ask if the would be willing to take my to the hospital since they were going to arrive in about an hour. They show up and I explain to them the situation and that I am really sorry. They call up a friend of theirs that works at the hospital and has my name put in so I don't have to wait. So they drive me to the hospital and the doctor takes a look at my finger. The bleeding had almost completely stopped and a layer of skin had started to form. They decided not to give me stitches but they just bandaged it up and told me to come back on Saturday and get it looked at. Then they asked me when the last time I had a tetanus shot; I was like heck if I know high school?! So they tell me I need to get one. So we go to buy the shot which was about 10-15 Euro but my family was very generous and bought it for me even though I told them my insurance would cover it. So I got the shot which was no fun also the visit was free! Why can't everything be like this in America sighh..So then we headed of to the Temple of Poseidon. Here are some pictures from the view from the car:

The sanctuary of Poseidon at Sounion is one of the most important sanctuaries in Attica. According to the legend, Cape Sounion is the spot where Aegeus, king of Athens, leapt of the cliff to his death fall--this is where the name Aegean Sea comes from (Aegeus name). The story goes that Aegeus, was anxiously looking out from Sounion for word from Crete about the slaying of the Minotaur, half man and half bull. Every year, the Athenians were forced to send 7 boys and 7 girls to Minos as tribute. They were placed in the labyrinth and to be devoured by the Minotaur. Theseus, Aegeus's son, had volunteered to go with the third tribute and attempt to slay the beast. He had agreed with his father that if he survived the contest, he would hoist a white sail. Theseus had overcome and slain the Minotaur, but tragically had simply forgotten about the white sail. Aegeus was despaired when he saw a black sail on his son Theseus's ship, returning from Crete. This led him to believe that his son had been killed by the monster. That is why Aegeus jumped off the cliff and killed himself.

Here are some photos from the Temple of Poseidon:

Then we went to get lunch in a near by city. It was really good we got sea food it was yummy!!

After we had lunch we went to visit more family that I had never met. They were very nice. They had the cutest little boy that was 9 months. 

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