Friday, April 8, 2011

Athens, Greece Part 1

My adventure to Greece begins! So I get up kinda early like 9:30 so I can get ready to go to the airport. I leave for the airport at like 10. I head there it’s raining. It has only rained one other day in Prague since I have arrived. So figures the day I need to take public transportation it’s down pouring. So walk to the tram station wait for the tram and I go one stop then I hop on the metro station then take it to the end. After we get to the end of the line I waited for the bus to come. There were seriously like 70 people waiting to get on the bus. I pushed my way in since I didn’t want to miss my flight. So we take the bus to the airport. On the way there it starts to snow. We finally got to the airport and I go through security. Everything goes smoothly. So I look at my gate isn’t posted so I wait and wait for them to post. Finally 30 minutes before we are suppose to depart then they finally post where the gate is. So I get the gate and then we get on a bus which was a little strange. But the bus took us to the plane. The plane was super tiny maybe 30ft long. The overhead storage bins couldn’t hold our carry-on luggage so they checked them for us. The flight was probably the shortest flight of my life maybe 30-40 minutes. Then we arrive in Munich where I have a 50 minute layover. So I wait around, then I have to pee so I run to the bathroom since we are going to be boarding soon. When I get back everyone was lined up. I stand in line the people checking in tell this guy that he isn’t allowed to have two carry-on luggage pieces. So he is yelling at them saying that he was just on the same airline and it was not a big deal and the lady was like you have to check it. He kept yelling some more then she said you can go talk to the main person or whatever. So I finally make it through and they are like you can only have one luggage piece. I was like it’s just a small backpack. She talks to her colleague and she was like I am sorry you have to check it and I was like I am not going to argue like the last guy since I really need to get on the plane. I was like is it free and she said yes so I was like great so she tagged my luggage and then was like drop it off at the entrance. I was like ok. I don’t really feel like checking it/know where to drop it off, so I just walked right on the plane with it and put it in the overhead bin and there were no issues. The plane finally takes off. There was a guy in the aisle seat and I was in the window seat. The guy got moved to first class. So I had the whole row to myself! So they come by with drinks I order a coffee. Then they come by with the meal that’s right a meal on a 2 and a half hour plane ride. I know when I fly United meals are NEVER free. So we get the meal on the hot tin container that was heated up in the front and said no pork printed on it. The meal wasn’t very good it was a beef and potato gulosh style entrĂ©e, some rice, veggies and a cold roll of bread. The veggies were the best part, kinda sad.
The flight attendant come back around and asks if we want coffee and tea, so I order another coffee. So I had to pee really badly and they were selling items from a catalogue, so I went up the one in first class since she was blocking the aisle way. The flight attendant was like too many people up here so to the ones in back. So I make it to where the cart is and the flight attendant was like use the one in front so I head back to the one in the front. The lady at the front was like I told you to use the one in back. I was like yes I know but that lady sent me up here. She was like well you can’t use it and tell her I told you have to use the one in back. So I make it back to the cart and was like well it’s going to be a while. I really was like I just need to pee. I finally make it to the back of the plane and there are two people in the two bathrooms and a person in line. So I wait and wait finally someone comes out. The person in front of my goes the leaves the person in the other bathroom was still in there when I left-hmm weird. The views were so pretty from the plane! I was so excited that I was going to Greece; I knew I had made a good decision! I tried to take picture from the plane, but they do not nearly capture how pretty it really was.

 We finally arrive in Athens; it is 6pm. I go up to the customer service place because I wanted to change my flight going home since it leave at 6am and I have a 4 hour layover eww. So he tells me I need to talk to the airline company and to go up stairs. So I make it up there and the lady is like we are closed I was 30 minutes late, so I didn’t get to change to flight. So, I go down stairs to buy a ticket to get on the metro so I can take it to the hostel. So I follow the signs going that say to the metro. I get on the metro it was pretty crowded. The final stop is the airport we were the first by two stops later it was so full—I couldn’t move. There were these three sketchy guys standing near me I kept trying to keep an eye on my back pack so I didn’t get pick pocketed. So I had to transfer lines so I did that I was sure which way was the correct way so I asked this women who was very nice and told me that I was at the right stop. I make it to the metro I leave the station and I head toward the hostel. The directions seemed really simple but I couldn’t figure out the street signs they confused so I head out in the right direction but I pass where I am suppose to turn I am really confused. SO I decide to go back to the metro and reevaluate and start over. I went in the opposite direction then realize I am kinda lost. Then a woman come up to me and was like you look lost and need help. She helps me figure out where I need to be and I make it to the hostel. I check in and I head up to my room. I am dead tired at this point. I say hello to the two other girls that are already in the room. Then I try to get a hold of I believe they are my great aunt and uncle (my mom’s cousin’s parents) that live in Athens. I try calling via skype but the number that I was given was 011-030-210-somethingsomething. And I was like what the heck was like why is the number 15 numbers long. I try calling but I can’t figure it out since on skype since you pick the country then enter the number and I enter it in, and it said invalid number. So I try to get a hold on my parents at this point I am on the internet trying to look up what the country code is for Greece. I find out it is 030. I was like weird what country’s code is 011. So I am googling and realize that that is the number you dial when you call out of the country in the US. So I try calling I can’t get a hold of them it would just keep ringing. So I talk to my mom and decide I am going to try to call them in the morning. I am super hungry at this point so I go to the front desk and ask the guy working the desk, Walter, where I can get spanicopa(a traditional pastry filled with spinach and cheese) the guy tells me where to go but the place is closed. So I go back to hostel and ask for another recommendation and he said to go to this gyro place. I walk there I finally find the place. I order a chicken gyro it was like 2.10 euro which isn’t bad. It was quite tasty. I am doing really well navigating myself I didn’t get lost going home. My hostel is right near the Acropolis. I was so excited to be going there! I make it back to the hostel I am dead tired and I go to bed kinda early. There is also a time difference of one hour a head of Prague. I set my alarm to wake me up since there is free breakfast from 7:30-9:30.

 I wake up the next morning the room is completely trashed. I was like what happened. Like there was clothes and make up and who knows what else thrown around the room, it looked like a tornado literally had gone through the room. So I was like I don’t feel like dealing with this crap so I just leave and go and get breakfast. The breakfast was pretty measly to be honest. It consisted of bread which you could choose butter, jam or cream cheese to spread on it and hard boiled eggs. I ate it anyway. So I try again to get a hold of my great aunt and uncle. I finally get through the connection over the internet was pretty bad so they were having trouble hearing me. I ask the front desk lady and she lets me use the hostel phone. We plan to meet up at 6pm that day. I see Jenna and Christy who are also in my program in the lobby. They were staying at another hostel but owned by the same company and were going on the walking tour. So I decide to shower and then go exploring on my own instead. The room was so gross I was trying not to touch anything I wish I had a picture to show you how bad it was. I finally get out and the lady who is going to clean the room was like you ready to check out. I was like I am not checking out I guess the two girls over slept and missed check out. One of the girls completely wasn’t even there. I felt so bad for the cleaning ladies. So I started my adventure. I really had no destination what so ever. So see a sign going to the acropolis museum so I start there. I go to buy my ticket and she was and I say student rate please and hand her my student ID card and she was like what country do you study. I was like the Czech Republic. She printed out the ticket and was like here. I found out that pretty much all the monuments and museums you can get into for free with a student ID card if you are in a country that is part of the EU—AWESOME! So I go around the museum, there were tons of artifacts and remains from the Parthenon and the Acropolis that were saved when they were destroyed. I walked around then watch a video then went on to the balcony near the roof and took some photos.

you can see the Acropolis through the window!
Then I continued onward. I just started walking and I see this arch way and I was like this is pretty cool and I can see remain of a temple behind it fenced off. the arch way is known as Hadrain's Gate. There are two inscription written on the gate. On the east side it reads, "This is the city of Hadrain not of Theseus" and on the west side it says, "This Athens the Ancient City of Theseus." So I head to find the entrance so I can get in. I continue walking around, there are these men with these stupid balls and when you throw them they go splat,. By far the stupidest things I've ever seen; I guess they sell since there are SO MANY people selling them. I finally find the entrance and it is again free. I find out it is the temple of Zeus. It was build three different times. This was one of the largest in ancient times with 104 columns only 16 remain today (15 standing, one lying on the ground).

Then I leave and head into the town on Plaka which is a cool little town till I reach the base of Acropolis. It is again free to get into with a student ID card. I start my treck up the top. I have so many photos and I’ll explain a little about each building. The Acropolis which come from the greek word akros which mean edge and polis which means city. The Acropolis is made up of many parts the most famous being the Parthenon.

When I reached the top I run into Jenna and Christy again. They take a photo for me so I have some with the Parthenon and the city in the background.

Then I headed back to the hostel. I want to make sure you all know that I made it around on my own only used a map once and didn’t ask for directions and didn’t get lost. I was really impressed with myself!! I stopped and got a gelato on the way home it was super yummy! That was seriously the only thing I spent money on that day.
I finally make it back to the hostel it is 5:30 so I forgot deodorant so I run to the store to get some. I finally got some. When I go back my great aunt and uncle were waiting in the lobby for me. They take me around Athens and show me a lot of really cool things. I had my own personal tour guides. We went up the back way by the Acropolis then we to where there was some buildings, mosque was when Greece was under Turkish rule. The they told me a story about the angles and how they were the angels of all the different winds(directions). They also told me why the palm tree was dead. I guess during the Olympics they releases a butterfly and the butterfly has been slowly eating away the inside of the tree so sad!

Parmenion and Katya are super sweet and very kind. They took me out to dinner and we had souvlaki which is kinda like an open gyro-very tasty.

Then we continued walking around Monastriaki and Synagma. We went into the metro station and it was set up as a mini museum since when they were building the metro station they discovered an underground city. Here are some photos:


honey pot

pots to hold oil

We continued walking we went to the Parliment building and saw the monument of the lost solider and the guards. Then we saw the statue of Melina she was a Greek actress, singer and politician. She was the first female Minister for Culture of Greece and had close ties to the US and passed away in NY.
parliament building

lost solider

guard at the Parliament Building, they can't move and they are changed every 1-2 hours and it takes an hour to get into costume

Then we made it back to the hostel and said our good byes. I saw a girl I was rooming with Sara and we went to hang she said they were going to go to the Sports Bar which the hostel owns so I decided to join them. We hung out had a good time. Then with my new group of friends Jenny, James and John we went wondering around the Acropolis at night it was really pretty. Then we went home and went to bed.

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